Lifestyle & Relationship


Period Pain No More: How Natural Capsules Can Help Ease Menstrual Cramps

Face it - menstruation can be a pain, literally. Many women suffer from menstrual cramps ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. The good...

A New Era of Oral Health: Using Probiotics to Improve Dental Hygiene

When we think about oral health, brushing, and flossing are usually the first things that come to mind. However, a new player on the...

6 Sweet but Healthy Desserts to Buy That Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Do you have a sweet tooth? Growing scientific evidence is tying a sweet tooth to type 2 diabetes and obesity, so it's important to...

How Many Days of Maternity Pads Do You Need?

After giving birth, most women experience postpartum bleeding, commonly called Lochia. This bleeding can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, and...

Diabetes: Is it for Life, or is it Reversible?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a metabolic disorder characterised by high blood sugar levels due to...

6 Common Errors with Divorces and How to Avoid Them

Did you know there are almost 700,000 divorce cases in the US? Are you separating from your partner and seeking a divorce? If so,...

How to Know When You’re Ready for a Baby

Are you in a happy and healthy relationship?  Every couple wants a child or children. It's a normal human desire, and many go through their...

Taking a Gay Holiday in Tel Aviv

If you're looking for a destination that is both exciting and welcoming for LGBTQ travelers, Tel Aviv should be at the top of your...

What Are the Causes of Back Pain in Women?

Are you currently experiencing back pain? If so, this shouldn't be taken lightly. With back pain and the symptoms associated with it, the cause...

Tips to Make Moving to a Small Space Stress-Free

Moving houses can stir anxiety even in the best of us. There's so much to do, from decluttering to packing. And if your new...


Safety Tips for Home DIY Projects

Do It Yourself, better known simply as DIY, projects are a great way to save costs and can be a lot of fun too....

Innovative Approaches to Philanthropy in Modern Society

Key Takeaways: Philanthropy has evolved with changing societal needs and technological advancements. Efficient communication channels enhance transparency and trust in charitable activities. Collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships...